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What does an onboarding process look like and how do you make it measurable?

An effective onboarding process is crucial for the integration and productivity of new employees. It's not just about organizing a welcome day, but also about ensuring an ongoing process in the first few months. But what does this process look like and how can you make it measurable?

Why measure onboarding?

Measuring the effectiveness of the onboarding process offers several benefits:

  1. Improved retention : A well-organized onboarding process significantly reduces employee turnover. New employees feel welcomed and valued, which increases their loyalty to the company.

  2. Faster productivity : When employees receive the right information and tools in a timely manner, they can get up to speed in their new role faster and more effectively.

  3. Increased satisfaction and engagement : Feeling valued and supported during onboarding increases job satisfaction and engagement.

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How do you measure effectiveness?

Measuring the effectiveness of the onboarding process can be done in different ways:

  1. Feedback sessions : Regular feedback sessions with new employees and their teams are essential. These sessions should be held after the first week, first month and first quarter to assess how the new employees are adjusting and to identify any problems in a timely manner.

  2. Surveys and evaluations : Conducting surveys and evaluations after different periods of time (e.g. three and six months) allows the new employee's satisfaction and adjustment to be closely monitored.

  3. Analyze performance data : Monitoring performance data can help you understand how quickly new hires become fully productive, which can be an indication of the effectiveness of onboarding.

Best practices for an effective onboarding process

  1. Preparation and planning : Start the onboarding process before the new employee starts. Have a clear plan, including a welcome email and a prepared workspace.

  2. Structure and documentation : Provide structured documentation of the process and use HR software to automate tasks and reminders.

  3. Team involvement : Involve the team in the onboarding process by organizing introductions and team-building activities. This will foster team spirit and help the new employee feel at home more quickly.

The journey within the onboarding process

Step 1: Preparing for the first day of work

Schedule : 1-2 weeks before the start date

  1. Communication : Send the new employee a welcome email with details about their first day, such as where and when to report, and an overview of what to expect.

  2. Preparing the workstation : Make sure the workstation is equipped with all necessary materials such as a laptop, login credentials, notebooks and other materials.

  3. Inform the team : Inform the team about the new employee's arrival and encourage a warm welcome.

Step 2: The first day of work

Timeline : Day 1

  1. Welcome and orientation : Start the day with a welcome session where you explain the company, company culture and house rules.

  2. Tour : Take a tour of the office and introduce the new employee to colleagues and teams.

  3. Documentation and tools : Hand over important documents such as the employee handbook and ensure all necessary software and tools are available.

Step 3: The first week

Timeline : Week 1

  1. Training and education : Start with job-focused training. This includes both technical skills and soft skills required for the role.

  2. Mentorship : Assign a mentor who will serve as the first point of contact for questions and advice.

  3. Team building : Organize informal team building activities such as a shared lunch to facilitate the integration of the new employee.

Step 4: The first month

Timeline : Month 1

  1. Feedback sessions : Schedule regular check-ins with the new employee to discuss their experiences and provide feedback.

  2. Goal setting : Work with the new employee to establish short-term goals that are consistent with the position and organization.

  3. Additional Training : Offer additional training based on the employee’s progress and needs.

Step 5: Three months

Timeline : Month 3

  1. Evaluation and Feedback : Conduct a formal evaluation meeting to discuss the new employee's progress and identify areas for improvement.

  2. Adjust goals : Revise and adjust goals based on feedback and performance.

  3. Networking : Encourage the new employee to participate in internal networking events and activities.

Step 6: Six months

Timeline : Month 6

  1. Semi-Annual Evaluation : Schedule a comprehensive evaluation to discuss the new employee’s performance and satisfaction.

  2. Onboarding Survey : Conduct an onboarding survey to collect feedback on the entire onboarding process and identify potential areas for improvement.

  3. Career Development : Discuss future prospects and opportunities for career development within the organization.

Step 7: One year

Timeline : Month 12

  1. Annual appraisal : Conduct an annual appraisal interview to evaluate the employee's performance, goals and development opportunities.

  2. Continuous improvement : Use the feedback collected to continuously improve the onboarding process and adapt it to the needs of new employees and the organization.


Measuring the effectiveness of the onboarding process is essential to respond to bottlenecks in a timely manner and implement improvements. A successful onboarding process leads to higher satisfaction, better retention and faster productivity of new employees, which ultimately contributes to the success of the entire organization. By leveraging feedback, surveys and performance data, onboarding can be continuously optimized to meet the needs of new employees and the organization.

To learn more about setting up an effective onboarding process and measurable onboarding, check out our Onboarding module .


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