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Assessment interview

An appraisal interview is a formal conversation between an employee and a manager in which the employee's performance is evaluated over a certain period. The purpose is to provide feedback, set goals and discuss development opportunities.

During the conversation, various aspects of the employee's work are discussed, such as the quality of the work, efficiency, cooperation with colleagues and the ability to achieve goals. This conversation also provides an opportunity to discuss any problems or obstacles the employee has encountered and to look for solutions together. In addition, specific achievements can be recognized and appreciated, which can contribute to the employee's motivation.

It is important that both the manager and the employee prepare well for the conversation. This includes collecting relevant data, reflecting on the work of the past period and preparing questions and comments. A well-conducted assessment interview can lead to improved performance, increased motivation and a stronger bond between employee and manager.

What do you need to discuss?


  • Verzamel prestatiegegevens

  • Vraag om zelfevaluatie van de medewerker

  • Herzie doelstellingen en verwachtingen


  • Bespreking van behaalde resultaten

  • Geef constructieve feedback

  • Stel nieuwe doelstellingen voor

  • Bespreek ontwikkelingsplannen


  • Vat de belangrijkste punten samen

  • Documenteer actiepunten

  • Plan opvolggesprekken indien nodig

Do not forget:

  • Prestatiebeoordelingsformulier

  • Zelfevaluatieformulier

  • Documentatie van doelen en verwachtingen

  • Notitieblok of digitale notitietool

How do you follow up on this conversation?

  • Zorg ervoor dat alle besproken punten nauwkeurig worden gedocumenteerd.

  • Volg regelmatig op met de medewerker om voortgang te monitoren.

  • Pas doelstellingen aan indien nodig op basis van voortgang en feedback.

  • Ondersteun de medewerker bij het bereiken van hun ontwikkelingsdoelen.

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